Friday, June 16, 2023

Another parenting fail

Parents make tons of mistakes when raising our kids. We are human, so clearly it's inevitable. Some haunt you, some you laugh at, and some become family lore. It haunts me that in my misguided effort to stop Romi from calling me Mother, I gave him three other choices (Ima, Mom, Kelley). He has been calling me by my first name for years now. (It makes me a little sad but it only scares me in an airport. Think about it.) We all still laugh at the getting hit by lightning legend, and the incident wih Paddington Bear is family lore like it was given to us at Sinai.

Our latest parenting fail? Flying business class to Taiwan. Romi's already declared that he just simply cannot go back to coach. He just looked at the flight monitor and was SAD we only have five hours left.  When we sat down, he spent a good 15 minutes exploring and fell in love with the lighting and feet rest options, the printed menu, noise cancelling head phones, and the North Face bag complete with eyemask, earplugs, toothbrush, lotion and hand sanitizer.
Forget Taiwan.  We may never get him off the plane.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Wow isn't it amazing you saved for how many years and spent so much $$$$for this trip? When you could have just booked a local business class flight to make your son a very happy camper? That's my Romi!!