Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Learning Curve

Rob went off to work today and left me home--alone--all day to play Ima to the little monkey. We did just fine, although I learned a few very important new mommy lessons.

First of all, do not go grocery shopping with a seven-month old. Most people already know this, but I was lulled into a false sense of security by the laid-back dude-factor of my particular bambino. And truly, it wasn't really him that made it difficult; I should know better than to go to Sunflower on a Wednesday afternoon. It's double ad day, which means everyone shops there on Wednesday (yes, including congregants). So the place was packed. I knew enough to get a small cart, but I didn't bring the baby carrier and Romi flat-out refused to sit in the shopping cart seat. Which meant that I spent the longest 30 minutes ever navigating a store with tiny aisles on its busiest day of the week all with one hand, seeing as the other arm held 16.5 pounds of baby goodness (who also happened to be eating the grocery list). I am proud to say I picked out fruit and vegetables one handed and got almost everything on my list.

My second lesson for the day is that a baby will not sleep through a barking dog and/or men from the gas company filling in a hole outside his or her bedroom window. Seeing as this all occurred smack in the middle of his "big" nap, I worked really, really hard to get him back to sleep. I did such a good job that I learned another lesson: a baby who wakes up when the dog barks at the gas company men filling a hole in the backyard will sleep soundly through two smoke detectors going off in the house.

Of course, I wish I had learned that last lesson before short-little-me got frustrated enough to jump up and rip the beeping smoke detector in the hallway out of the ceiling. and learn.

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