Sunday, July 8, 2012

Things that Go Bump in the Morning

Friday morning began with a big bump.  Literally.  Romi fell off the ladder to his bunk.  He didn't get hurt, but it did scare him, and he decided to react and to react loudly.  When Ima and Abba finally decided the best course of action was to not give the incident anymore attention, he changed tactics and started wailing for JoJo.  We would have explained that his efforts were futile since she was asleep in the cabin next door, but mere seconds after he requested her presence she appeared to lavish him with boo-boo attention. 

As long as the four of us were up we headed to the dining room for breakfast.  (I really miss that granola bar.)  We returned "home" to relax and nap before the girls headed to Portofino for a decent but not earth-shattering pasta demonstration and lunch at Portofino.  JoJo set sail for her massage while the rest of the family decided not to miss seeing Madagascar 3, in 3-D, on its opening day.  We were excited to show Romi his first movie, but shortly after deciding not to wear the 3-D glasses he fell asleep.  He got a great nap while the rest of us ran around with "Dut duta dut duh dut duh circus" in our heads.

Morgan and Kelley found the advanced napkin folding class in the bowels of the ship (OK, the conference center, but it was pretty much the same thing) while Steven and Abba took Romi to his cupcake decorating class where he learned how to create and eat a frog.  

We headed up to the pool where Romi insisted he didn't want to swim, but by that he meant he only wanted to swim in all of his clothes, which he happily did all afternoon.  We tried and tried to attend the Grease sing-a-long to no avail, so we played Name that Tune before the second formal night dinner.  

We took pictures and enjoyed our meal until Romi indicated that he was done and wanted to go back to his room.  Steven generously offered to take him home and walked up all five flights of stairs and the length of the ship, only to have Romi enter the room, turn off the bathroom light and indicate that he was done and ready to return to the dining room.  Kelley put the little bugger to bed while everyone else enjoyed the cruise director's comedy show.  JoJo went out dancing and the young adults played games.  All in all, another perfect day at sea!

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