Monday, August 17, 2009

Framily Vacation 2009

Our trip to Flagstaff blended in with another wonderful summer tradition: Framily Vacation with the Brunks and the Dinsdales. The three of us got home early Sunday morning (the freeway was closed in Phoenix) and after returning home from doing a wedding, I found my house full of Brunks! It's amazing that although our three families split up geographically in 2000, we have managed to see each every year for the past nine years. This time, the gang decided to brave the Arizona heat in August and to enjoy the screaming good deals. The Brunks began their week-long Tucson trip at the Lowe's Vantana. They spent their days enjoying the pool and the luxury and still managed to meet up with us at least once a day, either for dinner at our place or out. Rob and Romi played tour guide on some of these days, and the Brunks got to enjoy Sabino Canyon, Mount Lemmon and Bookman's.

The Brunks checked out of Lowe's on Thursday and into Hotel Gludt. Heather and Mark arrived that afternoon, and the mayhem began. The kids were thrilled to see one another, as were the adults. That night we all headed to the Gaslight theater for another hysterical production. Heather said she smiled and laughed so much her face actually hurt. We enjoyed the food (thank you Terry family), the atmosphere, the show and just being together.

Kartchner Caverns was on Friday's agenda, although I had to skip out after spending the night sick. Everyone else had a wonderful time, once the tickets got straighted out. It wasn't Romi's favorite, but he did pretty well. Jacki came with me to Tot Shabbat and we returned home to an amazing Shabbat dinner of turkey and fixings. Heather and Mark joined me for services on Saturday morning, and Shabbat lunch was leftovers, seeing as we had left lunch out all night. Bob came with me to afternoon services, and we returned home to laugh and play and to head out to enjoy Frost.

Sunday morning saw the Brunks heading home. Heather and Mark hung out for a while and we went to lunch, after which Heather decided to get sick, so we canceled her plane reservation. She hunkered down at our house and a few hours later the Bermans arrived for their visit., another awesome tradition. It took a couple of days for Heather to bounce back, but she toughed it out and went home the next day. It was a great Framily visit, sickness and all.

Some Random Stuff
Mark and Max were sitting on the couch with Romi when Lauren, unbeknownst to the guys, came up behind them and said, "What's up?!" Mark couldn't believe that Romi could talk like that!

When I told Max he couldn't sit on the glass table he actually asked me, "Then what's it there for?"

Romi's new things include bouncing his head in time to music, swinging his right arm vigorously when he walks, and saying banana, although he's only done that once.


Hallie said...

And just so you know "ba-na-na" was clear as cold be! He's just waiting for his Bermanese buddies to come back to say it again!

Hallie said...

oops...that was supposed to be "could" not "cold"!

Lisbon Accommodations said...

wow!!! thank u very much for all this information. Keep on supplying such useful information. It really is interesting.