Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Hybrid

Like my beloved Prius, my beloved baby is also a hybrid. He crawls about half the time and walks the other half. He hasn't given up the crawling completely because not only is it is his most efficient method of locomotion, he has trouble when he has anything on his feet (shoes or footsie PJs). When it comes to eating, his hybrid status continues. He is a fairly adventurous eater, trying many foods, and shows a pretty mature palette (he loves black beans and guacamole), but he only eats with his hands, has very little interest in using utensils. and indicates he's done by putting his food-laden hands in his hair. Romi holds his own sippy cup and loves to drink from a glass (which we obviously hold), but will only take milk from a bottle, only if it's warm, and only if we hold it.

I don't mind a baby hybrid. I know he's on the brink of being an independent little boy and I know I want him to grow and learn and develop, but as long as he's a hybrid, he's still my baby too.

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