Friday, May 15, 2009

Random Rominess

Here's a collection of random Romi facts that we love and enjoy and want to remember forever.

Romi is furniture walking like a madman, standing up without assistance (from a crouch even!), but has yet to take his first steps. He also refuses to do that little-kid thing where you hold his hands and he cruises around. Nope, not Romi--if you try it he sits down in protest. Clearly our little guy will walk only when he is good and ready and able to do so on his own.

Romi's favorite toys as of late include a baby doll, a rag, a plastic ball with eyes and a small can of Elite coffee from Israel. He saw a baby doll at Parent-Tot and thought it was the funniest thing in the world, so we headed over to Target to get one of his own. When we got to the baby doll aisle, all of the motion censored dolls staring moving and crying and blinking and sacred the beegees out of Rob and I so we fled. Being determined and dedicated parents, however, we persevered. We found a doll that didn't do anything except exist as a toy. I wasn't sure if Romi would like it but when I held up the box he squealed, so we took that as a good sign. He loves his baby-powder scented doll and laughs when Abba or Ima pretend it's real. He also finds it amusing when we throw balls up and catch them; who knows why? And as of late, he has become attached to a small scrap of green rag. He cleans the furniture with it, drags it around the house, and hides behind it to play "Where's Romi?"

Romi's favorite things to eat include black beans and guacamole, meat, bananas and edamame. He says "Ah-ba" and is clearly understanding more and more. He likes to watch Flip videos of himself laughing and to open all the drawers in the new TV stand. He still doesn't hold his bottle when we give him milk at night or in the morning (other than that he uses a sippy cup), but he does hold your thumb as you hold the bottle, which is unbearably sweet. He can open cabinets and doors, chases the dog and has the best sense of humor of any 13-month we've ever met!

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