Saturday, October 18, 2008


I truly believe that gratitude is the key to happiness. And if that's the case my happiness quotient can be nothing less than off the charts. The love and support that Rob and I have received as we get ready for the biggest adventure of our lives has been awe-inspiring. Friends and loved ones have called, sent e-mails, offered to help, taken care of our random needs (thanks Julian!), passed us amazing hand-me-downs, and generally just made sure that we have felt completely supported these past two weeks. As leaving to get Romi is no longer days but mere hours away, I take with me too many prayers and blessings to count and from the depths of my soul I thank God for my community, my co-workers, my congregants, my friends and my family. You are all with us in our hearts!

Talk to you from the other side of the world....

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